Hi Project Pancarta
My name is Daira Trujillo. I’m one of the members of the circus company “Cie C’est ça”.
Today I’m going to tell you a little bit of who we are and what we are doing.
We are 4 members in the company, Guillaume who is always upside-down doing
handstands, Thibault who is an amazing juggler and Raphael and me, who do Chinese pole.

We met during our professional studies at the circus school CRAC de Lomme in France, we were in the same class, so we know each other very well because we shared a lot of experiences together, classes, workshops, good moments, bad moments, etc.
Even though each one has different styles and different ways of doing circus every time that we were on stage together it was just so cool because we have the same humor, we have the same way of thinking, we have the same ideas, so working together was just so easy.

One day Raphael came to us and asked if we wanted to work together after the school, the answer was “yes”, so everseen we started to work. We took the decision at the middle of the 3rt year, which was the last year. At the beginning we made a lot of table work, sitting around talking about what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do it, why we wanted to do it, which was going to be our color or universe.

Once we were all clear about that, we started to do a lot of brainstorming a lot of brain maps of thing we wanted to try, every little crazy idea we had on mind we included on the list, for example at the beginning one of the ideas we had was to work with a caravan, but then we realize that working with a caravan was exactly the thing we needed. Then so one said, “what about the car” and we were like “Yes” a car it will be just a thing we need it. We started looking for different kinds of car, which was going to be the car we wanted to work with, we did a list of “pros and contra” of working with a car, etc.

At this period of time we also did a lot of paperwork, where we did for example our first “Dossier de creation”. With this dossier, we started to look for places where we can do our weeks of residencies, we also started to create the association for creating the company. I think we did a lot of papers work actually in this point, we organized also our agendas, our schedule for after the school to be able to started to work together, when all were organized we started the “Creation face” and we started to work on it on 22nd of July after to finish the school -two days after we finish the school actually-.

And it was just so good because we didn’t arrive with empty hands, we already had the car, it was so cool for us and we had a lot of things to do. Well, we had a huge list of things to do so we took a month working together just to explore the car to appropriate the car, to see all the possibilities of doing circus with the car, we even name our car, her name is Carol, and we like to think that she is the 5th member, she is with us on the stage, so she is the 5th person of the company.

By the end of this month we already had a very solid base of the spectacle of the show.
We knew how to start, the middle and the end of the show, so with that we started to
organize weeks of residence. The thing that we did was to take the skeleton of the show, and we divided on different scenes, we took the weeks of residence, and we started to say “ok” who many weeks of residences do we have, and how many scenes do we have, we started to separate the scenes, and we organize weeks of residences in that way.

We took the time to see which scenes required the most time to work. Which scenes were easier to do and well that’s it. That’s how we organize our weeks of residence.
If I have to describe them in a word, it will be “intensive” because they are very intensive.
We worked a lot and that’s something very glad because we are very good friends but when we have to work we work, I’m so happy about it because I think we have found the perfect balance between our friendship and work relationship and I think it’s cool because not everyone finds that, we had found it, and I’m happy to had found it, and well that’s it.

About our economy situation, we are by our own, so we knew since the beginning it was a decision we took together, and we all agree that it was going to be difficult at the beginning, it was going to be hard, It wasn’t going to be easy at all because it’s us who pays everything.

In this moment we don’t have any help, but we are looking for all the projects we can apply for having a little help because we wanted to do something good for the public and something with quality.

We have things to pay, taxes to pay because of the car, but not only that. We also work with a musician who is doing original music for the show, we are also working with two people who were our teachers at the school. They’re helping us with the writing of the show. For example, once we started to play the show, we wanted to have a technician, someone for the lights and the music with us, so we are going to be 5 people, and we need to pay these artists.

We wanted to have a little help to do something good for you because what we are going for you. Personally I like to think that this project it’s our little baby, and it’s going to grow little by little with a lot of love, with all that things and with all the “courage” that we put in this work because I think, and I’m sure that we like what we do and actually that’s why we are together because we love being on the stage, we love what we do so that’s why I think this project it’s going to go very far, and I see a future for this project and I know that this is only our first creation, but I already see us doing more projects with the Company C’est Ça.

For example, I’m from Mexico and I would love to go, I already see myself actually going to Mexico, playing this show for the Mexican people, over there and well that’s it. I think is just the beginning of something big.

If I have to give you an advice, to all those people who are starting, my advice will be to get to know the people with you want to work. Before you’re saying yes, to get to know the people artistically and personally, because artistically if you are not in the same channel or if you don’t speak the same language it is going to be hard to work together. If you don’t do “Click”, maybe you’re going to have to find a balance or your own language for example, maybe at the beginning it’s going to be hard and well we pass a lot of time together not only working but actually live together so if you don’t have a good relationship in the normal life maybe it’s going to be not very cool for you.

For example, something that happens with the 4 of us is that we really know each other, so sometimes well we know or strength and our potential, and we know how to use it on the stage, so sometimes we are working together we are creating and there’s someone who turns over somebody else and says is it you who has to do this scene, this part of the show because among the 4 of us you are who do better this thing, you are a very good dancer, or you have better skills to do this part, so we know each other, and we push each other for go forward and to grow up. I think that’s cool, and you can only find this thing if you know the person who you are working with.

If I have to give 4 words for our project it must be: team work, complicity, coordination and fun. Because we have it when we work together.
That’s it.

Today I’m going to show you our official poster of the show. It is called “N.O.S.I” “No
importe oú, sauf ci” and if you have the opportunity to see the show, you’re going to love it.

We have a lot of fun together because we did have fun, you’re going to have fun, and it’s just so ridiculous.
It’s about four super agents who want to go for a mission, but the car doesn’t work, so we do a lot of things to try to go, but it doesn’t work. So it happens a lot of ridiculous and funny things. We don’t know if the car controls us or if we are the ones who control the car.

We don’t know, do you know? We don’t know. You have to come and discover, to see the spectacle, so that’s it.
Spectacle N.O.S.I of the Cie “C’est Ça”.
So thank you so much Project Pancarta to open this space for all the companies which are beginning.
Thank you so much and see you next time.